CBRN CoE Project 46

Short name: CBRN CoE Project 46
Title: Enhancement of CBRN capacities of South East Asia in addressing CBRN risk mitigation concerning CBRN first response, biosafety and biosecurity, awareness raising and legal framework
Geographical Scope: South East Asia
Participating Countries (to be confirmed): Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Duration: 3 years
Role: Partner for the component 2. Work Packages 3, 4, 5
Consortium Leader: Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas – FIIAPP, Spain
Contracting Authority: EU Commission, DG DEVCO

The purpose of this project is to enhance CBRN capacities of South East Asia in addressing CBRN risk mitigation through the implementation of the following components:
– Component 1: capacity building on crisis management for CBRN first responders;
– Component 2: capacity building in biosafety and biosecurity, including bio-risk and waste management;
– Component 3: awareness raising concerning CBRN risk mitigation and technical support to strengthen legal framework.

The following results will be accomplished with the project:Component 1: Capacity building on crisis management for CBRN first responders:
– Organisation and provision of specialized emergency teams training for first-responders in order to develop a quick and effective response to CBRN threats;
– Reinforcement of inter-agency coordination and improvement of national policies consistently with other international obligations and recommendations on first response to CBRN incidents;
– Development of CBRN recovery strategy and guidelines.

Component 2: Capability assessment and Capacity building in biosafety and biosecurity, including bio-risk and waste management:
– Mapping of regional bio-laboratories and facilities (both public and private) including information on state of the art, available equipment and areas of expertise;
– Organisation and provision of a training programme on biosafety, biosecurity and bio-risk management including specific training for scientists and laboratory technicians on laboratory equipment and maintenance;
– Development of a flexible and sustainable training system applicable to a broad range of countries and government structures on biosafety and biosecurity standards and procedures in BSL2+ and BSL3 laboratories;
– Development of a training programme for relevant experts on methodology to design, build, and monitor high level security containment biological laboratories (BSL2+ and BSL3);
– Development of a training programme for laboratory experts on guidance and regulations (WHO/HSE/GCR/2012.12) concerning the transport of infectious substances;
– Development of a training programme for laboratory experts on safety and security procedures related to the management of biological waste;
– Organisation of workshops to improve regional cooperation and harmonisation with international standards on the safe and secure management of biological waste.

Component 3: Awareness raising concerning CBRN risk mitigation and technical support to strengthen legal framework:
– Inventory of relevant national and international legislation concerning CBRN related matters;
– Compilation of existing international guidelines and standards on hazardous CBRN materials management;
– Raise awareness among national authorities, policy makers, and relevant stakeholders the as well as the civil society and the private sector, through meetings, workshops and conferences on the need of prevention and preparedness against CBRN threats;
– Provide support to develop or compile national databases of CBRN materials, including registered users, import-export authorisations and storage locations.
